Ranking der Interessen der Autoren in der englischen Wikipedia

ver. 1.6

Diese Seite enthält Artikel der deutschen Wikipedia, die im Mai 2001 von der größten Anzahl an Autoren bearbeitet wurden. Dabei wurden anonyme und registrierte Wikipedia-Autoren (einschließlich Bots) berücksichtigt.

# Änderungen Titel Autoren
501Foreign relations of Hong Kong
502Demographics of Hungary
503Politics of Hungary
504Economy of Hungary
505Hungarian Defence Forces
506Foreign relations of Hungary
508Heinrich Himmler
509Heinrich Hertz
510Horace Engdahl
511Horror film
512House of Pain
513Head of state
515Harald Tveit Alvestrand
516Hezârfen Ahmed Çelebi
519High anxiety
521Hermann Göring
522Marrubium vulgare
523Hate crime
524High German languages
526Hilaire Rouelle
528Music of India
529Secondary sector of the economy
530Indian Ocean
531Geography of India
532Demographics of India
533Telecommunications in India
534+248Insert (filmmaking)
535Geography of Indonesia
536Transport in Indonesia
537Indonesian National Armed Forces
538History of Iraq
539Economy of Iraq
540Transport in Iraq
541Demographics of the Republic of Ireland
542Telecommunications in the Republic of Ireland
543Transport in Ireland
544Economy of Israel
545Politics of Italy
546Economy of Italy
547Telecommunications in Italy
548Transport in Italy
549Italian Armed Forces
550IEEE 802.15
551IEEE 802
552IEEE 802.11
555Inspector Morse
556Demographics of the Isle of Man
557Information theory
558International Telecommunication Union
559Iberian Peninsula
560Internet Engineering Task Force
561James Cook
562John Wyndham
563History of Jamaica
564Foreign relations of Jamaica
565Jan Mayen
566Jarvis Island
568History of Jersey
569Demographics of Jersey
570Geography of Jordan
571Politics of Jordan
572Foreign relations of Jordan
573Juan de Nova Island
574Jim Jarmusch
575Johannes Gutenberg
576Jacques Mayol
577Josef Terboven
578Jon Postel
580Jules Verne
581Johannes Rau
583Karl Popper
584Frost (rapper)
585Kurtis Blow
587History of Kenya
588Geography of Kenya
589Demographics of Kenya
590Economy of Kenya
591Foreign relations of Kenya
592History of Kiribati
593Geography of Kiribati
594Politics of Kiribati
595Foreign relations of Kiribati
596History of Kuwait
597Geography of Kuwait
598Kool Keith
599Kurt Cobain
600Kent Beck
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