Filme - Beliebtheitsranking in der baskischen Wikipedia
ver. 1.6

Beliebte Artikel zu jeder Zeit (101-200)

# Titel Popularität
101Amama (filma)
102Maite (filma)
103Good bye, Lenin!
104Dances with Wolves
105Little Miss Sunshine
106The Third Man
107Olentzero, gabonetako ipuina
108The Pianist (2002ko filma)
109Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
110Ipar haizearen erronka (filma)
111Zorion perfektua (filma)
112La Haine
113Jurassic Park (filma)
114Gangs of New York
115The Fox and the Hound
116Brokeback Mountain
117Annie Hall
118The Nightmare Before Christmas
119All About Eve
120The Shawshank Redemption
121Sagarren denbora
122Crash (2004ko filma)
125Chariots of Fire
126Debbie Does Dallas
127The Hurt Locker
129The Godfather, Part III
130El día de la Bestia
131Bihotz ondoko sekretuak
132Akelarre (2020ko filma)
133The Sound of Music
134Igelak (filma)
135Sukalde kontuak
136Gizakien seme-alabak
137The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1996ko filma)
138The Terminator
139Indiana Jones 2: Zorigaiztoko Tenpluan
140The Departed
143Edward Scissorhands
144Karlistadaren kronika 1872-1876
145Eraztunen Jauna: Bi dorreak
147Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo
148Lorezain leiala
150Fahrenheit 9/11
151Shichinin no samurai
152Toy Story
153Per qualche dollaro in più
155Fight Club
156Dead Poets Society
157The Wizard of Oz (1939ko filma)
158The English Patient
15912 Years a Slave
160Días contados (filma)
161Out of Africa
162Cabaret (filma)
164Zeru Horiek (telefilma)
165Chicago (2002ko filma)
16670 Binladens
167The Deer Hunter
168Django Unchained
169Yoyes (filma)
170Bend It Like Beckham
171Dragoi Ehiztaria
172The Birth of a Nation
173Patton (filma)
174Saving Private Ryan
175Baso ilunean
176My Fair Lady
177The King's Speech
178Plan 9 from Outer Space
179The Artist
180Star Wars V. Atala: Inperioaren Kontraerasoa
181King Kong (1933ko filma)
182Bowling for Columbine
18328 Days Later
184Olentzero eta subilaren lapurreta
185El guardián invisible
187Cidade de Deus
188Taxi Driver
189Rebecca (filma)
190Back to the Future
191The Last Emperor
193Ed Wood (filma)
194La trinchera infinita
195Spider-Man: Homecoming
196A los cuatro vientos
197Midnight Cowboy
198This Is England
200Per un pugno di dollari
<< < 1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 > >>