Die beliebtesten Artikel auf englischer Wikipedia im Dezember 2012

ver. 1.6
# Änderungen Titel Popularität
601 169G
602 99Joseph Stalin
603 284Avatar (2009 film)
604 1028Michael Clarke Duncan
605 94HIV/AIDS
606 411National Football League
607 70Syrian civil war
608 193Once Upon a Time season 2
609 370Ronald Reagan
610 126European Union
611 9662After Earth
612 509United States Bill of Rights
613 66Buddhism
614 30Natalie Portman
615 8304Pacific Rim (film)
616 88List of New Girl episodes
617 1021Shirley Temple
618 310Brave (2012 film)
619 303Meme
620 66Ian Somerhalder
621 417HTTP
622 101Bradley Cooper
623 21203White Christmas (film)
624 51Sherlock Holmes
625 982Batman Begins
626 101Criminal Minds
627 475Judy Garland
628 65862012 Aurora theater shooting
629 406Adderall
630 76Constitution of the United States
631 96Nicole Scherzinger
632 56The Undertaker
633 7769Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
634 15Nicolas Cage
635 157Dylan and Cole Sprouse
636 9333Long. Live. ASAP
637 278The Weeknd
638 219AK-47
639 73NCIS (TV series)
640 17Whitney Houston
641 12Ten Commandments
642 48Roman numerals
643 747Star Trek
644 129List of Greek mythological figures
645 6List of Victorious episodes
646 842Victoria's Secret
647 182Xbox 360
648 379Charlize Theron
649 117Ashton Kutcher
650 21001Kumki (film)
651 231Maroon 5
652 153Ernest Hemingway
653 8520The Impossible (2012 film)
654 75Mad Men
655 279Claire Danes
656 192Spain
657 5USB
658 101Robert Downey Jr.
659 607LSD
660 310Frank Sinatra
661 33The Hunger Games (film)
662 6837Biblical Magi
663 878Nirvana (band)
664 51Grand Theft Auto
665 486Avril Lavigne
666 125Europe
667 72Keira Knightley
668 58Walt Disney
669 210Castle (TV series)
670 4292Judd Apatow
671 170Islam
672 6960End of the world
673 68Mona Lisa
674 2526Connecticut
675 96Priyanka Chopra
676 361Maslow's hierarchy of needs
677 2570Christopher Lee
678 341Washington, D.C.
679 95Justin Timberlake
680 153Full stop
681 834Girls (TV series)
682 17Soviet Union
683 127Crohn's disease
684 11Tom Hanks
685 167The Walking Dead (video game)
686 897The Perks of Being a Wallflower (film)
687 110Dr. Dre
688 36House (TV series)
689 58The Mentalist
690 23Denzel Washington
691 102Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
692 75Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
693 162Queen Victoria
694 141Human body
695 94Iron Man 3
696 90Bruce Willis
697 140Ben Affleck
698 57Lost (2004 TV series)
699 4019List of Christmas carols
700 1848The Texas Chain Saw Massacre
<< < 401-500 | 501-600 | 601-700 | 701-800 | 801-900 > >>

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