Die beliebtesten Artikel auf einfache englischer Wikipedia im März 2008

ver. 1.6
# Änderungen Titel Popularität
601 51Microsoft
602 99Virus
603 38Ecology
604 93Slavery
605 5305St. Peter's Basilica
606 103Carbon dioxide
607 78The Simpsons
608 201Poseidon
609 137Hungary
610 391Hillary Clinton
611 14Academy Award for Best Picture
612 317Acne
613 498Rape
614 1501970s
615 40Petroleum
616 3Apple Inc.
617 148President pro tempore of the United States Senate
618 104Liberalism
619 115Asexual reproduction
620 85Christmas
621 77Compact disc
622 41Plato
623 161Preposition
624 116List of dog breeds
625 409Eiffel Tower
626 235Britney Spears
627 87Democracy
628 146North America
629 23War
630 187Wonders of the World
631 85Avril Lavigne
632 332Julius Caesar (play)
633 16Great Wall of China
634 169Celsius
635 58Pluto
636 75Fruit
637 86Chemical element
638 283Muhammad Ali Jinnah
639 169Avatar: The Last Airbender
640 220Travel
641 103Greek language
642 10E Prime
643 128Paganism
644 71Vladimir Lenin
645 476Leisure
646 124Glans penis
647 31Matrix (mathematics)
648 182Jazz
649 230Vatican City
650 31Paper
651 430Woodwind instrument
652 81Trade
653 15Medieval music
654 135Taoism
655 146John F. Kennedy
656 450Nuclear fission
657 182Thailand
658 71Karl Marx
659 1882000
660 311Tokyo
661 12Pancake
662 27Globalization
663 253Java (programming language)
664 162Orange
665 140Instant messaging
666 116Industry
667 37Bible
668 1The Lord of the Rings
669 137Sugar
670 12South Korea
671 5Greek alphabet
672 99Pulley
673 62Jew
674 8Vocabulary
675 2002002
676 149List of countries
677 77Pregnancy
678 133Artemis
679 392Copper
680 16Schizophrenia
681 596Technology
682 49Madonna and Child
683 184WikiHow
684 56Outlook
685 5339International Women's Day
686 114Heavy metal music
687 208Thomas Edison
688 326Existentialism
689 706Summer Olympic Games
690 333Provinces and territories of Canada
691 82Malaysia
692 106Italian language
693 48DVD
694 59Gun
695 133Hermes
696 108Earth science
697 30Chess
698 142Paul the Apostle
699 17Area
700 522UNIX
<< < 401-500 | 501-600 | 601-700 | 701-800 | 801-900 > >>

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