Die beliebtesten Artikel auf einfache englischer Wikipedia im Mai 2008

ver. 1.6
# Änderungen Titel Popularität
301 113Ireland
302 55Alcohol
303 119Indian independence movement
304 42Finland
305 37Gothic cathedrals
306 8Quantum mechanics
307 2Education
308 33Isaac Newton
309 81Jupiter
310 9Software
311 202Pope John Paul II
312 91Abortion
313 15New Zealand
314 19Violin
315 74Plant
316 105Jeff Hardy
317 25Mercury (planet)
318 63Map
319 52Venus
320 373Bleach (manga)
321 31Cat
322 98Cannabis
323 198Gay
324 128Elephant
325 234Human history
326 689WWE Championship
327 68Flower
328 24California
329 11Leonardo da Vinci
330 39God
331 25Mythology
332 30E-mail
333 148Scottish Football League
334 92Alphabet
335 61Measurement
336 57Israel
337 59Vitamin C
338 1Geography
339 5Scotland
340 29Website
341 122Advertising
342 20Food
343 25Diabetes mellitus
344 39List of SpongeBob SquarePants episodes
345 186List of diseases
346 8814Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
347 92Catholicism
348 65Super Smash Bros. Brawl
349 25Prostitution
350 275Sonic the Hedgehog
351 17Nuclear weapon
352 39The Walt Disney Company
353 109Calculus
354 12Solar energy
355 165Mineral
356 115Orange (fruit)
357 143Big Bang
358 65Native American
359 107Catholic Church
360 15Depression (mental illness)
361 29Mao Zedong
362 53Anus
363 20Industrial Revolution
364 74Electrical circuit
365 30Cooking
366 166Archaeology
367 1964Animal Farm
368 42Metal
369 95File extension
370 16Portugal
371 58Argentina
372 42Family
373 33Foreskin
374 187RAID
375 25Great Depression
376 33French Revolution
377 5829Cyclone
378 1Circulatory system
379 16Tiger
380 114Rain
381 87Treaty of Versailles
382 16Profanity
383 17525Cabal Online
384 39Greece
385Cyclone Nargis
386 2Cuba
387 26Cocaine
388 135Tooth
389 61Gravity
390 168Wikimedia Commons
391 13Great Wall of China
392 16Energy
393 46Anime
394 27Transport
395 299Woodstock Festival
396 153Hermaphrodite
397 15Nelson Mandela
398 45Statistics
399 103Organism
400 2Geometry
<< < 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 | 401-500 | 501-600 > >>

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