Die beliebtesten Artikel auf einfache englischer Wikipedia im Juli 2012

ver. 1.6
# Änderungen Titel Popularität
201 16Idiom
202 55Nail art
203 27Government
204 11Consecutive integer
205 8Asperger syndrome
206 17Acne
207 90AIDS
208 143Cellular respiration
209 43Seven deadly sins
210 56Occam's razor
211 36Zodiac
212 1282012 Summer Olympics
213 60Helen Mirren
214 24Germany
215 200Article (grammar)
216 129Napalm
217 30Spain
218 3Human
219 39Rabindranath Tagore
220 90Binary fission
221 57Blood
222 79List of Jupiter's moons
223 47List of Disney characters
224 21Cattle
225 70Green
226 5Indian independence movement
227 55Anal fissure
228 80Evolution
229 181Proxy server
230 14Minecraft
231 38Playing card
232 364Hepatitis C
233 10Orchestra
234 49Subject (school)
235 27List of words about computers
236 110Phases of the Moon
237 3Xbox 360
238 77Carl Linnaeus
239 36Yellow
240 106Open proxy
241 11Gothic cathedrals
242 173Economics
243 35List of animal phyla
244 70Ronnie Radke
245 181Planet
246 24Netherlands
247 211Apple
248 7Roman numerals
249 157Mythology
250 11Solar System
251 2Traffic light
252 110Herbivore
253 44London
254 52Id, ego, and super-ego
255 512Jubilee line
256 69Maroon (color)
257 1Mobile phone
258 154List of Uranus' moons
259 22Heart
260 61Exaggeration
261 79Che Guevara
262 190Neem
263 86Pink
264 26William Shakespeare
265 1Breast
266 49Ten Commandments
267 127Biology
269 59Calculus
270 66Vedas
271 527Burj Khalifa
272 7003Aaron Sorkin
273 61Schizophrenia
274 67History of Australia
275 319Bill Goldberg
276 143Uncertainty principle
277 77Hippopotamus
278 87Munshi Premchand
279 100Political asylum
280 80Unit of measurement
281 7Italy
282 63Anus
283 23Mahatma Gandhi
284 27My Chemical Romance
285 210Bindi Irwin
286 6Food poisoning
287 91Past tense
288 21Farming
289 120Singapore
290 11Odd number
291 24Camel
292 27Conifer
293 7Big Bang
294 77Transsexual
295 239Cell
296 5570Graviton
297 71Seizure
298 184Psychology
299 178Moose
300 4Elephant
<< < 1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 | 401-500 > >>

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