Die beliebtesten Artikel auf einfache englischer Wikipedia im November 2013

ver. 1.6
# Änderungen Titel Popularität
501 111Electrical resistance
502 76Occam's razor
503 13Vedas
504 188Television
505 52Industrial Revolution
506 3Wolf
507 220Saturn
508 87Orange
509 147Chess
510 409Statue of Liberty
511 476List of The Simpsons characters
512 52Isis
513 237Elizabeth I
514 139Red blood cell
515 1Data Protection Act 2018
516 16Muhammad
517 803UNICEF
518 145Gag reflex
519 535Austria
520 120Napoleon
521 16Michelangelo
522 28Assembly language
523 156Treaty of Versailles
524 104Tobey Maguire
525 40Inflation
526 142Snail
527 12Forest
528 33Hexadecimal
529 806Poison gas
530 109Money
531 230Fibrous protein
532 3Cricket
533 71Himalayas
534 81North Korea
535 54Hormone
536 3Acid rain
537 11Talent
538 831Colosseum
539 144Adderall
540 136Antarctica
541 1190Doctor Who companions
542 21Kia Sorento
543 188Punjabi language
544 62Shear stress
545 34Buddha
546 222Rabbit
547 5483Józef Piłsudski
548 115Law
549 26Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
550 37Nuclear energy
551 121Mughal Empire
552 24Ra
553 8RAID
554 202Facebook
555 61Psychology
556 508Central Powers
557 192Inner transition metal
558 225Philippines
559 749Circle
560 94Fruit
561 75Matter
562 279Heinrich Himmler
563 189Taiwan
564 41Seven deadly sins
565 48Metaphor
566 509Sif
567 184Hamlet
568 9Turkey
569 738Doctor Who
570 475The Nutcracker
571 65Mean
572 1875Elisabeth Shue
573 11Parrot
574 187Carbon cycle
575 31Computer program
576 1494List of U.S. states and territories by area
577 4Diabetes mellitus
578 3Copyright
579 177Glomerular filtration rate
580 39Oral sex
581 524Light-dependent reaction
582 324Peter Lalor
583 1058To a Mouse
584 23Schizophrenia
585 24430Wild turkey
586 92September 11 attacks
587 346Room temperature
588 187Mother Teresa
589 156N-type semiconductor
590 649Lady Gaga
591 112Henry VIII
592 147Earth's crust
593 5Olive tree
594 206Isotope
595 55Syed Ahmed Khan
596 94Binomial nomenclature
597 221Swastika
598 101Tropical cyclone
599 125Oxygen
600 231Annabeth Chase
<< < 301-400 | 401-500 | 501-600 | 601-700 | 701-800 > >>

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