Die beliebtesten Artikel auf einfache englischer Wikipedia im April 2014

ver. 1.6
# Änderungen Titel Popularität
601 144Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
602 38Circulatory system
603 32Turkey
604 36Hotlinking
605 53City
606 96Asthma
607 108Tower Bridge
608 164Soviet–Afghan War
609 199Plate tectonics
610 97Deforestation
611 133American Civil War
612 144Command economy
613 153Mole (unit)
614 465Multimedia
615 176Pansexuality
616 122Rhine River
617 1080Peace
618 151Titanic (1997 movie)
619 362Evaporation
620 79Cancer
621 65Star
622 80RAID
623 161Jambul
624 217Picture
625 12Reduction (chemistry)
626 59Inflation
627 10347Australia (continent)
628 65List of country calling codes
629 109Psychology
630 212Saudi Arabia
631 49Seed dispersal
632 109Money
633 336Great Wall of China
634 234Industrial Revolution
635 136Berlin Wall
636 10Universe
637 635List of professional wrestling terms
638 176Elizabeth I
639 290List of soccer clubs in the United States
640 112George Washington
641 67Uncertainty principle
642 123Yogurt
643 1601Billboard charts
644 123Himalayas
645 191Poverty in India
646 138Coconut palm
647 170Tropical cyclone
648 47Copyright
649 200Software
650 52Dengue fever
651 22375Jaywalking
652 146President of the United States
653 69Blue
654 217Indigo
655 118Nurse
656 172Mountain
657 326Satellite (artificial)
658 105Allele
659 62Michelangelo
660 298Tumors of the hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues
661 187Syed Ahmed Khan
662 191Mammal
663 8John F. Kennedy
664 638List of chess terms
665 93New Zealand
666 104Military
667 36California
668 292YouTube
669 10085Earth Day
670 185Keyboard (computer)
671 86Dolphin
672 124Denmark
673 200Munshi Premchand
674 125Mao Zedong
675 34Vulva
676 158Liam Neeson
677 208Constitution of the United States
678 28British Empire
679 99Colour
680 193Electrical resistance
681 84Pollination
682 165History
683 104Intersex
684 117Statue of Liberty
685 124Bast
686 262Tianhe-2
687 162Roman Empire
688 107Silkworm
689 74Date palm
690 190Gag reflex
691 35Africa
692 180Antibiotics
693 54Greek mythology
694 116Chess
695 148Computer program
696 3312Good Friday
697 175Periodic table
698 194Copper(II) sulfate
699 288Chinese Civil War
700 141Hydrogen sulfate
<< < 401-500 | 501-600 | 601-700 | 701-800 | 801-900 > >>

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