Die beliebtesten Artikel auf einfache englischer Wikipedia im Januar 2015

ver. 1.6
# Änderungen Titel Popularität
101 13List of extinct volcanoes
102 277China
103 8Sexual intercourse
104 32Mobile phone
105 55Cellular respiration
106 89Xbox 360
107 51Perihelion
108 122Government
109 8New York City
110 7World War I
111 12Standard deviation
112 22Dog
113 35Cyclone
114 12Electricity
115 29Solar System
116 161England
117 33Computer network
118 13List of World Chess Champions
119 75Lionel Messi
120 191Guitar
121 57Music
122 20Basic English
123 2Puberty
124 66History of the United States
125 55London
126 61Michael Jackson
127 11Penis
128 50List of animal phyla
129 63MicroSD
130 13Paper size
131 118Soviet Union
132 71Satellite (artificial)
133 147Judaism
134 34Leonardo da Vinci
135 26Islam
136 79Barack Obama
137 252Unit of measurement
138 1Cricket
139 32Sandwich
140 12Light bulb
141 20Volcano
142 18Gautama Buddha
143 126Adjective
144 57English language
145 8Philosophy
146 80Parrot
147 26Apartheid
148 143Japan
149 19Sunflower
150 25Dove
151 57Abraham Lincoln
152 67Central processing unit
153 26Roman numerals
154 5Continental United States
155 28Buddhism
156 21Masturbation
157 607Actor
158 46Human rights
159 4List of cities in the United Kingdom
160 36Orange (fruit)
161 25Adolf Hitler
162 21Hexadecimal
163 449Child
164 120Higgs field
165 15Computer mouse
166 79List of Jupiter's moons
167 11Indian Rebellion of 1857
168 25Albert Einstein
169 79Air
170 62AIDS
171 53Renewable resource
172 32Australia
173 28Erection
174 1223Singer
175 325Money
176 21Tsunami
177 8Mythology
178 81Season
179 5Earth
180 38Verb
181 24Subject (school)
182 3Illegal drugs
183 7Microsoft Word
184 1432Sociology
185 91Cattle
186 15Pedophilia
187 191Batman Begins
188 73Farming
189 28120UTC+06:00
190 18Energy conservation
191 93RSA algorithm
192 86Washington, D.C.
193 438New York
194 132Cristiano Ronaldo
195 64Automobile
196 6050Top-level domain
197 139Elizabeth II
198 5769 (sex position)
199 6Rose
200 42Water
<< < 1-100 | 101-200 | 201-300 | 301-400 > >>

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