Die beliebtesten Artikel auf einfache englischer Wikipedia im Dezember 2017

ver. 1.6
# Änderungen Titel Popularität
501 511E-mail
502 28Scandinavia
503 19Hindu gods
504 13England
505 43Planck constant
506 349Largest extinct animals
507 4Indian rupee
508 207Checkers
509 968Israel
510 48MicroSD
511 137List of Disney movies
512 14Natural disaster
513 45Nazism
514 1413Taxicab number
515 206Teal (color)
516 122Insect
517 9Turkey
518 76Software
519 101Socialism
520 92Narendra Modi
521 12Pornography
522 51Guitar
523 114Mercury (planet)
524 20Flag of India
525 73List of words about computers
526 103Grass
527 195Sir Gawain
528 111Bird nest
529 37Redox
530 67High school
531 106Even number
532 121Geography
533 47Cattle
534 34Animal
535 101Philosophy
536 35Language
537 87Earth's core
538 6Netherlands
539 85Isaac Newton
540 77Prussia
541 84Quantum mechanics
542 138Phrase
543 5842 (answer)
544 189List of current champions in WWE
545 64Mars
546 51Torah
547 857George V
548 2Traffic light
549 361Cryptography
550 66Healthy lifestyle
551 180Big Bang
552 65Lorem ipsum
553 117California
554 1080List of districts of Andhra Pradesh
555 305Percival
556 160Clitoris
557 130Sexual reproduction
558 371State religion
559 207History of Christianity
560 477Halloween
561 131History of Australia
562 52Travelling salesman problem
563 649Guinea (coin)
564 162Tropical cyclone
565 44N-type semiconductor
566 225Babe Ruth
567 11Jupiter
568 31Aurangzeb
569 13Human evolution
570 105Nudity
571 31Score
572 84Napoleon
573 1058Prince Andrew, Duke of York
574 980The Legend of Zelda
575 52Newton's laws of motion
576 16Legendary Pokémon
577 91Hydroelectricity
578 603Afghanistan
579 118Democracy
580 33Kernel (computer science)
581 114Great Wall of China
582 265Deaths in 2017
583 108Sikhism
584 76Hockey
585 152Martin Luther King Jr.
586 73Indus River
587 15Absolute temperature
588 31Great Lakes
589 93Electrical cell
590 61Artificial intelligence
591 405Dengue fever
592 57Jambul
593 305Brihadeshwara Temple
594 60Science
595 34Concentration camp
596 70Himalayas
597 49Dance
598 69Computer monitor
599 28Barack Obama
600 77Dove
<< < 301-400 | 401-500 | 501-600 | 601-700 | 701-800 > >>

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